Is this normal? Bleeding between comb and beak? Growing?

So odd! Totally fine this morning! Did they just stop on their own? They must have seen a bug or something on the other side of the hardware mesh, although I couldn’t find any signs of it anywhere!
Could have been a flying bug. You'd laugh at how many times i've seen mine chase a flying bug. By silky even ran into a pole doing so.
Could have been a flying bug. You'd laugh at how many times i've seen mine chase a flying bug. By silky even ran into a pole doing so.
Haha! They do run and chase bugs all the time! I’ll keep my eye on them, just make sure they don’t peck at each other, and hopefully they won’t keep doing it! For smart birds, they sure are dumb sometimes haha!
Haha! They do run and chase bugs all the time! I’ll keep my eye on them, just make sure they don’t peck at each other, and hopefully they won’t keep doing it! For smart birds, they sure are dumb sometimes haha!
Yea I know XD. Though usually when they do, they don't run into things. I blMe mowhawk running into the pole to all her excess fluff.

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