Is This Normal?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 4, 2013
I posted this on the emergencies forum but have yet to receive an answer and I am worried...
Hi all,
My ladies are about 8 weeks old now. When I went out this afternoon to feed them, I noticed that one of them (my barred rock) had a droopy wing and is missing some feathers in the middle of the wing. She is eating and drinking normally and is very excited when I come out with treats. I know that at about this age, the chicks go into their final molt before growing their big girl feathers ( and i have seen the feathers in their coop and run). I am just concerned over this feather loss as no other birds have this.

As a side note, they were all vaccinated for Mareck's Disease. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give!
Birds will hide injuries, maybe she sprained her wing or such.. as for the feather loss it could be her being distressed about or a bad molt, my hen lost so much of her wings that she couldnt get on her roost stick

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