I got 10 Barred Rock chicks from a local breeder. This one chick looks much different (has gold/brownish color feathers coming in) from the others and I am not sure if his nakedness is normal or not. I don't see anything crawling on him/her and none of the other chicks, including the other BR chicks look like this on their backs. They are still in the brooder in our house and I haven't seen anyone picking/pecking on him/her. She/he is very active and comes running when we call the chicks for treats so doesn't appear to be sick in any way.
They are being fed Purina chick starter medicated and have water available 24/7. They have a box with wood ash, have grit available to them and have gotten some treats like green beans and feta cheese. There bedding is sphagnum peat moss.
Close up of her/his naked back and you can see the goldish/brown color feathers coming in.
For comparison chick from the same person (this chick is older)
They are being fed Purina chick starter medicated and have water available 24/7. They have a box with wood ash, have grit available to them and have gotten some treats like green beans and feta cheese. There bedding is sphagnum peat moss.
Close up of her/his naked back and you can see the goldish/brown color feathers coming in.
For comparison chick from the same person (this chick is older)