Is this pullet a roo?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
:pWe adopted our first flock a couple of months ago...the pullets were just 2 weeks old. My twin daughter Tess' favorite color is yellow so we requested the most yellow of all the Golden Comets. After 2 months our other Golden Comets look more like our RIR while...chickey..that's her name .. is quite white with a more developed cone and she obviously rules the roost...can you take a look and tell me what you think?
Greetings from Kansas, 6insanekids, and
! Great to have you aboard! Picture?
It looks like a pullet to me, but how old is it? Also, did you post that picture from your iPad (I've been trying to figure out how)!
Yes...I figured it have to click on the mobile link at the bottom of the site ...then when you post it gives you the option to choose a photo. They were all born early February .. so almost 3 months...she's supposed to be a Golden Comet but she's all white!

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