Is this silkie a rooster or a hen?


6 Years
May 23, 2016
I tried to post this yesterday, so if it comes up twice, I'm sorry! Lola is 17 weeks old. She is not the dominant bird in the flock by any stretch of the imagination. I have no other roosters. My black australorpe is top of the pecking order. So is Lola a rooster or a hen?
Yes, he/she does! Soo pretty. I hope she's a girl. But a lot of signs are pointing the other way. So hens NEVER have streamers? This is really not a dominant bird
Yes, streamers are only on Silkie Cockerels, the hens will not grow them. Silkie cockerels also tend to have a smaller crest that leans slightly to the back, while the pullets are larger and more globe like in shape.
So then, if he's a rooster, how long do you think he'll stay this docile?. Currently he's not the boss of anything.
What do you mean by docile? I've had roosters remain calm, sweet, and excited for attention their whole lives.

Some roosters are born the boss, others pick up cockyness with age. Also, (if you have other roosters) some roosters will never take on a dominate role.

I used to raise Silkies, and it was more common for those males to be a bit more submissive then my other breeds. They had an easier time bossing around the bantam hens, but large fowl hens where usually left to the other roosters.
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This would be the only rooster (if your right
). And he is way down the list in the pecking order. They routinely knock him right off the roost, in fact. Just wondered if eventually he would take over?

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