Is this silkie blue or gray???


Southside Silkie Shack
10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
SW Ohio
I can't seem to figure out what color she is. Would this be a reallly really light blue or a gray?
I ordered them from a breeder that told me they were blue but????
Oh good! I put her in the pen with my partridge boy hopeing to get blue partridge babies!!
I wasn't going to if she was gray. So gray silkies have the patterned feathers. That is easy enough!
Actually grey and partridge would mix better. The only difference between partridge and grey is the silver/gold gene. Pair a grey hen with a partridge cock and the daughters will all be partridge; the sons golden (split S/s+) partridge. Pair a grey cock with a partridge hen and all the daughters will be grey and the sons golden partridge.

For the 2nd generation take the golden partridge boys and pair with a grey hen for 50/50 grey & golden partridge boys and 50/50 grey & partridge girls. Or pair the golden partridge with a partridge girl for 50/50 partridge & golden partridge boys and 50/50 grey and partridge girls.

**** note that my use of the term "golden partridge" is based upon golden being the common term for a male who has one copy of silver and one of gold, not upon a recognised variety ****
I don't have any gray. Could you explain this again with the blue hen and partridge roo?
Sonoran- I have heard the term 'gray partridge' bandied about for those cockerels I've seen posted as 'calico' recently, with one person saying she had exhibited a cock of that color under partridge successfully.

Do you have any additional information on this?

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