Is this something to worry about?


6 Years
Sep 8, 2013
Waxahachie, tx
I noticed today that one of our 7 week chicks has a toe that is bent (one on each foot). The other chicks don't. The chick is a New Hampshire red...I don't know if it is a breed specific thing or if it nothing to worry about?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

~ Nicole
It is a "defect" from hatching. If caught when they are very young ,and still growing rapidly, they can be braced and made to grow straight. In this case it won't be able to be corrected but shouldn't cause the chicken issue. If you notice that she has issues with roosting you may have to make accommodations so she can stay warm but that will probably be the only issue.
Thank you! If the roost board is a 2x4 flat wide side up do you think it will be a problem? We are going to build a ramp up to the roost also.
Thank you! If the roost board is a 2x4 flat wide side up do you think it will be a problem? We are going to build a ramp up to the roost also.
I think that she'll be fine. One of my friend has a bird with even worse curled toes than yours, and she does fine.

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