Is this squatting!?


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Western Massachusetts
One of my Rhodies (all my girls are 17 weeks old) has been sporting her full comb and wattles for several weeks now. Over the last week I have noticed her being more approachable. Normally she would not let me touch her. Lately she has been following me some and sometimes she will come sit on my lap. The other day she sat and preened for a while. Anyway, today she came up on my lap and I started scratching her back (I always do that with the ones who sit on my lap) but when I did she squatted down and sort of cupped her wings out a little. Then, when they had gone up onto their roost I was in the coop "saying good night" and she came over to me (still on the roost) and did the same thing.

Is this the start of squatting?
That's squatting. When she does it and you push on her back and rub gently she should shake it off when you stop. Mine all do it when I open the run door or move my hand near them.
That sounds like what happened to me when the chickens were around a similar age. I didn't know there was a technical term for it though!

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