Is this street light going to be a problem?

Wabi Sabi

In the Brooder
9 Years
May 28, 2010
I am in the process of building coop #2 and before I go any further I need to decide exactly where in the yard I'm going to put it. I was thinking about putting it alongside the garage in the very back of our house, but there happens to be an electric pole that runs down our driveway with a street light/security light on it. It is a dusk to dawn light owned by the power company. It's bright enough that it shines into our house at night and would also shine into a chicken coop all night.

Is this going to be a problem? I know some people supplement with light in the winter, but could having a bright light all night long year round going to really screw with the chickens?
I've got one of those close to my coop, it doesn't shine directly into the coop, but it does "light" the coop. The chickens don't seem to mind. It does make it easier to check on them at night with a light to see by.
it *might* make your rooster more prone to nighttime crowing, or it might not

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