Is this the ordered EE, or 'free mystery rare breed'?

why is everyone assuming this is a girl? pic on the left shows an upright stance, indicating a male. also, many of the "free" chicks turn out to be boys, because the hatcheries just need to get rid of them...
I have had many chicks that stood up like (up right stance?) and all turned out hens... also had EE chicks that color turn out to be hens
Probably b/c I said it was a girl.

I specifically ordered female EE's, so if she is an EE, and not some other breed thrown in for free, its a girl.... unless they missexed her (i think its a 1/10 chance?)
I thought if you agreed to the free chick that it wasn't necessarily gonna be a girl because your others are girls. I guess you will find out soon enough......
Probably b/c I said it was a girl.

I specifically ordered female EE's, so if she is an EE, and not some other breed thrown in for free, its a girl.... unless they missexed her (i think its a 1/10 chance?)

So...they ordered female EE's AND are also expecting a free chick. They just want to know if it's an EE, which should be ordered, or the mystery chick, which, you are correct, can be either boy or girl.
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Is she more active than your other breeds? My EE baby is the most spastic of the bunch. I have BOs and White Rocks in with her. She's always creating the most drama and makes the most noise! LOL!
I think time will tell; right now, all the chicks in this group are hyper- except for the Cuckoo Marans Male- he's the quietest chick I've ever seen... i don't know if he is lazy, or just being very calm and observant, ready to jump into action at the first sign of (so far non-existent) danger
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