is this the right niacin capsules for my ducklings?

No,, not the right thing. You have to get the tablets that are NOT time release and NOT flush free. I can only seem to find them on amazon. They are 100mg/gallon of water.
Yes it was confusing to me also, as I am new to ducks myself. I found that the ones I wants were tablets that I had to crush up and put in their water.
Ok I found a few more threads on niacin. I think I maight understand the kind I need to buy. Ill have to do some looking in stores over the weekend.
Yes it was confusing to me also, as I am new to ducks myself. I found that the ones I wants were tablets that I had to crush up and put in their water.
Tablets ok that helps. So no capsules then. And not flush free or non flush. And 100 mg not 500 mg. And not inositol Hexanicotinate. Is this all correct? LOL
Correct! And good luck in the stores. I went to a health food store and had zero luck, so frustrating. Yes it is 100mg per 1 gallon of water. I originally bought the flush free stuff too but had to end up throwing it out (good thing it was only $2) Also if you are having trouble finding the nicain, someone on here said brewers yeast (powder) also works. I am assuming you can find that more easily?

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