Is this too early to move Cornish Cross to tractor?

good idea. ive got a bunch of chicks coming in march, will have to try this...
We use paper towels the first couple of days, then pull them and pile in an inch or so of pellets. I leave them an open space in the beginning so they can scratch as that's the only downfall, their little toes can't scratch them. After I see them scratching through them, I just put them over the whole thing.

Be sure to provide grit too in case any find pellet crumbles. It won't hurt them though.

Here was a day-chick I had with 3 three-week-old speckled sussex. I had the paper towels still for the little one on the left side.
brooder w chicks.jpg
Next time you do this, I'd love to hear you try using horse bedding pellets. I think you would see a huge improvement. We use those in our coop and do nothing for a year. No maintenance, no smell. The pellets absorb everything and dry out the poop.
I may have to try that. They are going out tomorrow and right now if I clean out the 6x6 brooder and put a fresh bale of shavings in, in two days it's junk. This last week or so the poop production has really kicked in as they passed the 3lb average weight mark.


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