Is this what I think it is? (a rip-off??)

I sent a note to the Eggbid staff:

This auction is such a scam. The thermometers are $6 from Walmart! I look for eggs for sale on the site every day, and this kind of blatant chicanery is really horrible to see happening. :-( I know it may not violate the rules technically, but I hope you will consider putting a stop to it because it is just *wrong*.

We'll see what they say... I thought about posting a for sale ad, and may go that route if this grates on my nerves enough.​
Ha! I have my receipt for the ones I bought at Walmart.....$6.47 plus tax of .07475, that is all!!! How ridiculous!

I hope they can sleep at night!

I sent the seller a message that says Do you realize that you can buy these at Wal-mart for 6.47. You are ripping off the consumer, I hope you can sleep at night.

I also sent the same message to the high bidder at $22.00! OMG
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hey,if they can get it more power to them..if people dont check around to see what things are really priced at too bad for them.I guess they dont mind paying that or they wouldnt bid..its the same at any auction,go to a local auction and you see people paying way more for used stuff then they would for new..
well i feel dumb now! i tried to find one at walmart and couldn't. So I ended up spending 30 on one at a petstore in the reptiles section. oye vey! And mine only does humidity. the one listed on eggbid says it does both
And now I see I could have gotten it for 6 or 7 bucks

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