Is this Wyandotte a rooster

What do I have to worry about and what should I do?
He may over breed your hens, which can cause feather loss, and general stress. Every rooster is different. Some need more hens than others. If he's too much you can remove him either temporarily or permanently. You will know if you need to by your hens behaviors generally.
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The 'rooster' to hen ratio of 1:10 that is often cited is primarily for fertility efficiency in commercial breeding facilities.
It doesn't mean that if a cockbird has 10 hens that he won't abuse or over mate them.
Many breeders keep pairs, trios, quads, etc
It all depends on the temperaments of the cock and hens and sometimes housing provided.
Backyard flocks can achieve good fertility with a larger ratio.
He may over breed your hens, which can cause feather loss, and general stress. Every rooster is different. Some need more hens than others. If he's too much you can remove him either temporarily or permanently. You will know if you need to by your hens behaviors generally.

According to the principles of chicken math, you will just need more hens so they are not over-serviced. I can't say how many, because chicken math dictates you go for 4 (say to bring the number to 10) ....and come home with 33. ;):cool::lau Good luck. :D

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