is white spots on brown eggs a deficiency of sorts?


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
hi friends I was wondering if small white spots on brown eggs a deficiency of some sorts? my pullet just came into lay. her eggs have been beautiful except the last one. it seems to have little white spots on it? I was wondering if anyone knew if this meant she is deficient in something? she's been having a bit of a rough time laying each time she lays she pants with her mouth open. after the egg passes she is fine.I've been giving oyster shells to help her out. as I said the last egg had little white spots on it. is this just how it happened to be pigmented or is this a sign of deficiency? thanks for your help.
Feed the calcium supplement in a side dish. Nail a small tub onto a wall at her eating height. The birds will peck at the calcium if and when their bodies tell them to eat calcium. Too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing. Layers need calcium, but they can only use so much, so fast.
This often happens with older hens as well. I think it is a calcium deposit and causes them no more pain really than a normal egg, some hens lay with their mouths wide open... If you think about it in relative size it is sort of like having a baby's head every single day.
thank you. guess my girl just lays with her mouth open.:) she likes to pant too but I guess I'd pant too if I had to lay an egg every other day! thanks for your help! :)

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