Is Zoey a Zane? 12 week EE


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Shesa bit more vocal and grumpy than the others. No crowing, but ...barks?


She might just be a moody girl :) I've had a lot of female EE's that act like that and look like your bird. I personally am inclined to believe that she is a Zoey :) You'll just have to wait for her to develop a little more to be able to know for absolute sure.
Nope, she's a pretty little pullet. Her kind of partridge-like coloring is typical of female EEs, plus her comb isn't nearly as developed as a cockerel's would be at this age. Some birds are just more vocal than others.
Thank you all for your input! She was supposed to be a sexed pullet, but her little barks now and then put me on edge thinking she's about to belt out a crow.

Here she is with her fellow EE sisters [I hope] and a BO from the same hatch.

Thank you all for your input! She was supposed to be a sexed pullet, but her little barks now and then put me on edge thinking she's about to belt out a crow.

Here she is with her fellow EE sisters [I hope] and a BO from the same hatch.

All the birds in this photo are definitely pullets.
Easter Egger pullet for sure. She's very pretty! All of your other birds also look like pullets.
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