Isbar thread

Burt with his no crow collar on.

How well is it working?

Okay. I do need to tighten it. if the hen's sing their egg laying song at a level 5, then he crows at a level 3.
Thank you. I will be removing anything with obvious flaws and trying to make sure that we stick as close to the original line as possible.

I forgot I posted this photo.. I just re posted and made the photo larger.. Plus a question.. He is funny.. He made weird noises this morning.. If I did not take the photo, I would of not believed he was inside the nesting box..
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This is a pullet that hatched from one of our eggs and is posted here with permission from the owner. I have not seen this level of black on a blue before. I have some blues with a few black flecks here and there that some call "blue splash" (I don't use that term though it is tempting). Ideas on how/where this "leakage" comes from? Is it leakage, or ??
Our boy Burt decided to help a broody with a place to hang out.. Has anyone had their boy do this?
Yes, -- Had a blue roo that got Soooooo enthusastic about the nesting box -- I was expecting an egg. I thought it was really cute actually. Like someone finds the perfect home -- he was extolling the virtues of the place.

i wouldn't have thought that a rooster could carry on so much about a nesting box---if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!!

Just got the worlds smallest egg from my Isbar pen too. In 4-years of chicken keeping I have never gotten a 'wind egg' until today....It weighs .153 oz -- we are talking a burp in the little egg tract of my pullet for sure

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