Isbar thread

My girls' eggs look sage. I even have a brown egg layer, but will not breed her. Do you ever sell hatching eggs, Ihilani?
My isbars recently began laying....


Is my splash Isbar a boy?

as a breed are the roos friendly? he/she kinda seem a little like a bully.
Yes, I would say the splash is a cockerel. In general, the Isbar roosters are very easy going, though when the hormones start flowing, even they can get a little rowdy. He should settle down when he gets a little older.
Finally, finally my Isbar hen layed her first egg! You would have thought she layed the golden egg I was so excited. She is 23 wks.
It was small but a beatufiul color. Hoping my little camera captured the accurate color.
Finally, finally my Isbar hen layed her first egg! You would have thought she layed the golden egg I was so excited. She is 23 wks. It was small but a beatufiul color. Hoping my little camera captured the accurate color.
Love the little freckles on some of them! It is a great moment for us obsessed chicken moms!

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