Isbar thread

We are getting 8 total, 4 blacks and 4 blues. Fingers cross well at LEAST get a mix trio of them!! I am hoping to have a decent pair to show up at our county and hopefully state show to start getting this breed out there plus my other project babies :3
In 2014, I took a splash Isbar cockerel to the "First annual Klein ISD FFA alumni poultry show". He placed 3rd in the back-yard division. The back yard is for chickens without APA acceptance, and it is everything from Bantam to game, to silky, to you name it kind of chicken that either doesn't fit into the APA standard book or the owner wants to put it in that category. He was hatched at Omega Hills farm and sent to me. Beautiful bird IMO.

At that same show I got a 4th place in the egg contest for an Isbar egg -- and a 2nd place ribbon for a Legbar egg. If you have a show that has an egg all means enter some of your eggs -- it is easy and fun and you don't even need to have P/T testing done on your flock! Easy to transport your egg -- etc. easier than a live chicken to deal with IMO.

Not a great expert in this -- but I think if there were work to get the Isbar accepted by APA - then if a judge had a standard for the bird (SOP-Standard of Perfection) he could judge that particular chicken against that standard...without it -- I think they can only judge on condition of the bird. Anyone who knows more correct me if I am mistaken. Could be that county fairs are different from APA shows etc. and sometimes they are combined - -as in the poultry exhibit at the Texas State Fair is an APA show.

Without a standard for Isbar - how do you know what is 'correct' or 'better'? --- Standard could also generate problems IMO....for example, some I sbars have red earlobes and some I have seen with white. I prefer the red ones--- but if someone has invested a lot into their Isbars and has white earlobes---- then one group of people is going to have their Isbars -- disqualified.

From what I have seen on this forum, I think maybe KYTinPusher is our most knowledgeable person in Isbars. GoozieCat -- wrote up the description for the Breed section of BYC -- (yay Goozie Cat) -- but I think at the moment isn't raising Isbars any longer.....

You can see even from looking at that there are two different colors of ear lobes. From what I know of the APA Standards of Perfection -- having both isn't an option. It seems that means that of the two males pictured in that write up -- one of them would be considered NOT an Isbar. In some ways that is what happened (is happening ) to the Cream Legbar -- but that is a whole different kettle of fish.....

APA showing seems to require a Standard of Perfection (SOP) - so the APA judge knows what to judge by. -- I would be interested in what y'all think about that.
Our state sadly lacks in much shows so for me entering whatever I can will help them grow. I plan on bring a standard for all my breeds I enter (Since none are APA lol) so the judge will know what to look for haha.

I have this Isbar 15 week old cockerel that I want to give away. Would love to have someone take him that would keep him alive. He is beautiful and friendly. He eats out of my hand. I am in central California and am going to Sacramento and Oakland tomorrow. I could deliver. Kern

I have this Isbar 15 week old cockerel that I want to give away. Would love to have someone take him that would keep him alive. He is beautiful and friendly. He eats out of my hand. I am in central California and am going to Sacramento and Oakland tomorrow. I could deliver. Kern
He is gorgeous IMO -- maybe you could post in buy-sell-trade --- and could post in a California thread....that is too nice a chook to not have someone appreciate it. (I am jealous of your orange tree BTW).
He is gorgeous IMO -- maybe you could post in buy-sell-trade --- and could post in a California thread....that is too nice a chook to not have someone appreciate it. (I am jealous of your orange tree BTW).

You should see my Mandarins. I have about 25 varieties with some ripening from about a month ago all the way thru June at least. Kern

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