Isn't it beautiful?


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Quebec, Canada
(I added a few from yesterday but most were from today!)

Now all I need are blue egg-layers, olive eggers and marans for the dark eggs and I'm all set!


(yes there is a huge double-yolker in there, a silkie egg, a couple sultan eggs, some leghorn, a cochin egg... and sexlinks)

I love my girls!
The pink one is from one of my black sexlinks (plymouth barred rock x RIR)

In the back row, sexlink eggs except the one on the right: cochin pullet.
Middle ones are all from different sexlinks (one BO mix or two in there)... apart from the green ones from my EE girls.
The big white eggs are leghorn, the medium white pointy ones are sultan, and the wee one in front from my silkie that almost died from prolapse a few days ago. Obviously, it's my favorite egg

ps: I lightly rub food-grade mineral oil on my eggs, it helps to keep them fresher longer and my clients looove how clean and shiny they are! Since they are paying $5 a dozen... I'll cater to that! LOL!
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Very nice! Love the mauve colored one in the 2nd row.

I can't wait for my Ameraucana's and BCM's to start laying. Then on to olive eggers, and I'll have a colorful basket too.

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