Isnt it supposed to get eaiser? when do the tears stop?

And Sunny Side Up and Beekissed... I sort of understand how you can think that, but I don't think you should post that in answer to someone talking about losing their pet. To some people these animals are their lives, and Peep was like a member of our family. I cried for several hours straight when he died.

Do I think it was worth the pain of losing him to have had the opportunity to love him, even for such a short amount of time? Yes, I do.

And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
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I'm so sorry.
It hurts so much when we lose one of our babies.
Jesse, I am soooo sorry for your loss. If i was close by i would give you a big hug and tell you that we DO understand and feel for you.

i am sure you have heard all of the standard 'it will get easier, better, bla bla bla but nothing helps but time and good memories. Keep going! try and smile knowing the times that you did have. Do not feel guilty about what you did or did not do. Her time was taken by another more powerful, there is nothing you could have done about that. It was not your decision. Know she is up pecking at tons of mealworms and running around in the big yard in the sky!
She would be so upset if she knew you were crying over her because you felt guilty. Crying because you miss her, ok. because you fell guilty. no. give her a big "mental hug" every morning when you go out to give your girls 'luvn and treats!' give her a goodnight word at night. She knows, and will appreciate it! As will you.

Unfortunatly death is a part of life. It does not make it any easier knowing this,. It scares me and saddens me to know that i will lose loved ones, but it makes me stronger knowing that i need to keep strong for them to survive and enjoy the time I do have with them. They maybe gone when they leave from this world, but they will NEVER be forgotten, and because of that, I WILL see them and be with them again. Time. time to heal and time to pass

i am sorry if it sounds like I am preaching here, I know some might be angry with me about this, but it is the only way I have learned to cope with the death of a loved one in the last year. I felt as you do, to this day, the tears do not stop, I am crying just writing this still thinking about my Sammy. My cat that i had for 20 years. A little over half of my life. One that i treated as a child that I could not have. But you know, it's the above stated comments that have gotten me through it, as they will for you.
And Sunny Side Up and Beekissed... I sort of understand how you can think that, but I don't think you should post that in answer to someone talking about losing their pet. To some people these animals are their lives, and Peep was like a member of our family. I cried for several hours straight when he died.
Do I think it was worth the pain of losing him to have had the opportunity to love him, even for such a short amount of time? Yes, I do.
And I'd do it again in a heartbeat

yes, I agree. I would do it again in a heartbeat, without a second thought, and in a minute.

Again, I am sorry if I am out of line here, but I DO hope it may help at least someone out there if not u.​
Advice is just can either be taken or left alone. If you just want sympathy over the loss of a chicken, then the title should be clearly stated so that the appropriate members can respond and not necessarily those who would give practical answers to the questions posed.
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I'm sorry if I offended you, I wasn't trying to criticize you! I don't think there's anything wrong with what you said, I just don't think you should have posted it here. I'm just giving my opinion.
Would it make you a little frustrated if someone told you, in response to you saying that someone you loved had died, that you shouldn't love someone again? I'm not saying that anyone feels this way; I have no way of knowing. It would make me mad though, if it were me. Not that you had that idea, you're certainly entitled to your own opinion, and I'm not trying to make you feel differently, but that you said it in response to someone having a hard time in life and seeking comfort. There is a time to speak an a time to stay quiet, and that's all I'm trying to say.
That being said, if someone says something about losing a loved one, they'd probably have posted it to share the great memories they have of that animal/person, and/or because they want to be comforted by their friends. Or, in this case, sometimes complete strangers

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