Issues uploading photos.


I know many others are having this issue. When you go to upload a photo, you follow the usual steps, then once you post a photo it says attatchment3943294 then if you click there is an error.

Browser Chrome: Google Chrome
Version: 87.0.4280.141

First you hit:
View attachment 2518188

Then you insert the image you want:
View attachment 2518190

Then click "full image":
View attachment 2518189
View attachment 2518192

Then it doesn't happen every time but once you hit "post" the photo doesn't appear properly and you have to go back and edit. I'll see if it happens with this one.
I haven’t had this problem but maybe it’s because I don’t upload very many photos on here. I will do my best to help since u have helped me before:)
Okay. I don’t really understand how all of this works so bear with me a minute. How similar are we to our sister site TEG. I know the basic Functions seem to be the same. I don’t have any trouble uploading to TEG even when none of my pics work on here. Could we compare what add ons the 2 sites have to narrow down the list? Or are they too different?

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