It all happens at once - the first wound


Sep 11, 2023
Central Oregon
Hanging out with the girls tonight, watching Jepta for sickness concerns (see other post) I’ve seen her be quite the bully and now have noticed my Light Brahma, Blondie has this wound under her wing. I treated with Microcyn horse/cat/bunny/dog because it’s all I had (leftover from when our Border passed this year :() so hopefully that is ok but curious if this is a pecking wound and if I should separate Jep or Blondie from the flock either for healing or discipline?


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Looks like pecking to me. Common reasons are overcrowding, not enough nutrients, boredom, and probably some other things I am forgetting. How much space do they have? What are you feeding them? I would separate the injured one. She might get lonely by herself so if you have a really calm bird in the batch give her a friend.

Those injuries should heal quickly if you can stop the pecking. Pecking can turn to cannibalism really quick so you need to get it sorted out quickly.
I would put up some separation to create a see but no touch area for a few days until the wound is healed.

Then spray her wound with blue kote and all the others' backs as well to divert the attention prior to letting them mingle again.
Looks like pecking to me. Common reasons are overcrowding, not enough nutrients, boredom, and probably some other things I am forgetting. How much space do they have? What are you feeding them? I would separate the injured one. She might get lonely by herself so if you have a really calm bird in the batch give her a friend.

Those injuries should heal quickly if you can stop the pecking. Pecking can turn to cannibalism really quick so you need to get it sorted out quickly.
Thank you for your helpful reply! They have 20sq ft in their grow out pen with toys/enrichment plus a quartered off area of the backyard that is quite large. They’ve been eating Scratch and Peck’s starter feed and whatever bugs and forbs/grasses/flowers they find outside (they particularly love the coneflower petals), and the occasional mealworm treat. Blondie came into the house alone last night to ensure she wouldn’t be worse off by morning and reintroduction this AM has so far been without any pecking. I will separate Blondie with her buddy Rainer in a see-no-touch setup today. Thanks again!

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