Well, they're telling us were are going to get the remnants of your snow in heavy rains tonight. I'll believe it when I see it. Got up to 65 here today. NICE... but it did rain almost all day yesterday and much of the morning today.

WE REALLY NEED THE MOISTURE.... keep sending it our way Deb.
It seems to be stuck over most of our area for a long time. Still snowing and it hasn't stopped all day. The snow is now halfway up my tires on my car and I got home at 2:30..... I still have about 12 inches of snow on the roof of my car.... This HAS to be a record for this area.
WOW... the weather channel sent reporters into Flagstaff. They are expecting more than a foot tonight. We really need it. Mormon lake is dry, St. Mary's lake is almost dry... we need the moisture to fill them up again.
So what's today's crises?

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