It happened. I knew it would. The neighbours complained.

I was back to my child years
I remembered having the same feeling when I was caught doing something naughty

But seriously, the next morning while doing the chickens early, they were just crowing like crazy. I would cringe everytime. Having a feeling of unease whilst on your own property is not nice.
I am guessing then guinea that you are on the larger sized acerage blocks? I have 5 acres and lots of roosters. My neighbours could not care less. Mind you my roosters are at the rear of the 5 acres and their houses at the very front of the property. You have guineas too and they didn't complain about them? To me anyways, guineas are far noisier than roosters. I, like you breed too so I have about 8 roosters. I think i remember where you live and if that is the case and you are in a larger town than me just check to make sure that many roos are ok. If they are then bugger the neigbours.
Yes. Our property is probably the biggest in our street. 25 acres. Not a huge place, I know. But big enough to have a large amount of chickens.
I have looked up the rules and beside our area and poultry it was blank. which I guess means there is no restrictions. I think I'll ring the council anyways just to make sure I'm in the right.
Really good idea to ring them up. Never assume that because nothing's listed nothing's really there
Personally, I'd try to get something in writing from them stating nothing in the rules about poultry in your area. It'd be a good bit of insurance, just in case ...
You are allowed to, I live in a very suburban area and have and rooster and it is legal, but the only difference is my neighbors love hearing him crow! I am sorry I can't help you I really wish I could
Kinda sad you've been neighbors for 5 years and never met or socialized? It's really hard for people to complain about you when they get to know you, understand you, and like you! Why not take this opportunity to get out a beer or two and see if the two of you can at least be neighborly? It doesn't have to be a constant thing - but you never know when you may have an emergency of some sorts and need a friendly neighbor to be available to help! AND the occasional dozen eggs wouldn't hurt!
I am sorry to say, but he has accullay been having some problems lately (medical problems) So it would be good for him if some went probally.

Oh and Bret gave me bantam and australorp eggs for tweety read my post

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