It is getting close now. Grandbabies. PICS Post #64

for babies!
That's great, they will have cousins that will all be the same age! Two of my sister's kids are close in age with mine and it makes it fun when we get together. Congratulations on the new grandbabies!
Congrats on your 3 grandsons!!!!! Our first grandchild (g-daughter jsut arrived last Thursday weighing in at 9 lbs. 10.6 oz and 24 inches long. And might I add....she is a doll!!
I just have to add this in. We were on multiple watch with my nieces. We got a call early one morning that BOTH were in labor, checked into the hospital and were progressing. The boys were born on the same day within just a couple hours of each other. My brother was running from room to room. They had joked about that happening since their due dates were within a couple days of each other. No one ever thought it would really happen though.
aww... that is so sweet...

Stragegically placed belly so it doesn't show so much. It was a perfect morning. Cloudy so it wasn't hot, the air was cool and the water temp was perfect for walking in the surf.


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