It is getting close now. Grandbabies. PICS Post #64

I have only one child. I also had the BEST labor and delivery experience ever! From the time my water broke until the time my daughter was born it was roughly four hours. I actually ate between contractions (banana bread and gingerale!) and was able toget up within ten minutes of her being born. Please tell your daughter not to let people scare her. Every birthing experience is different and the more tense she is, the less likely she will be able to enjoy it. Praying for a quick and safe delivery of all babies!
<-------------- 9/2 is Lil' Avatar's birthday! She'll be 13.
Best wishes for beautiful, healthy babies! I'm sure you plan to post pictures?
Prayers for healthy moms and babies. I have 3 grandkids who are within 3 weeks of each other and another 2 who are a couple of weeks apart. It's been fun for the moms over the years to compare notes and the children to have cousins close in age to play with and share holiday times with.

Being a grandmother's the BEST!!
BIG change of plans. DIL is being induced tomorrow at 6 pm. Daughter won;t have a bed to be induced, so unless she goes into labor tonight, DIL will be first. I just hope they aren't on the same day!!!!

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