It is getting close now. Grandbabies. PICS Post #64

Congrats again, Debi! You are one lucky lady!
so, were they born on the same day? are they within driving distance of each other? is it a gang or a club?

You will be able to have so much fun with this! I can see you pushing them around in a dual stroller and saying to people, 'why no, they are not twins, they have separate fathers." yep, you will need a hat cam for the expressions.

congrats on the all the babies. I hope #3 will be safe and sound and all will go smoothly.
I expect a lot of gramma bragging!

(Psst, so even when doodie happens all over the place and you keep waiting for that second shoe to drop.. tada! something wonderful happens. -and for you, it really does happen in threes!)

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