It seems like they are all crowing...(update on the rooster saga!!)

Teresa La

In the Brooder
12 Years
May 24, 2007
We have a mixed flock consisting of 2 buff orpington's (had 3), 1 dark cornish bantam mix, 2 barred rocks??, 2 Americauna's, and one silly little guinea.
Ok, here's the deal. We bought 2 buff orpington's when they were 6-7 weeks, 1 buff and the bantam when they were 2 weeks old or so. We got the rest a month later. The man assured us that the big ones were pullets. I really wanted them to be since we live smack dab in the middle of the city and I know that my neighbors would not want us to have roosters. Well Georgia turned out to be a George when he started crowing at 16 weeks so we gave him away.
We thought we had taken care of everything for about a week and then we started hearing more crowing. We have been trying to catch the culprit/culprits for a week now. I finally saw one crow this morning, my little dark cornish bantam.
I know there is another though because I heard more crowing from inside the coop. I really want to know for sure who are the roosters are so I can just be done. I do have to say though that it is a tad funny that we just keep finding more roosters in the bunch. Between them and the guinea honking i'm sure we're the neighborhood favorites.
I just want some eggs!

So, let me show a few of the pictures I got of them. They were not in the picture taking mood today so maybe i'll get the rest tomorrow.


This is nosey-Rosey 14-15 weeks old, i'm thinking maybe my other rooster??


This is Pecan, same age as Rosey. Definately one of the roosters!


This is big momma Henrietta, she is 19 weeks old. Looks just like the rooster we gave away but she clucks, doesn't crow...that I know of.


This one is Penelope, one of our Americauna's. She is 11 weeks old or so. The barred rock on the right is the same age. Gilbert, the guinea, is on the left.

If you could help shed some light by offering your opinions on who my roosters are I would be forever greatful.
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Big Momma Henrietta looks just like my 20-week old BO rooster. He doesn't crow, either...but he does take care of business with his girls.
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Oh no, I never suspected Henrietta.
I thought she would have started acting like a rooster if she was one by now. Well, if she's a rooster that doesn't crow then she/he can stay.
What about the others? I kinda think that Penelope may be a girl since she was who George preferred, if you know what I mean.
When you have more then one rooster, most times only the dominant rooster will crow. So as you discover who is a rooster and get rid of them, the next rooster in the pecking order might step up and start crowing. I think Nosey-Posey is a rooster and so is Henry(Henrietta), Penelope looks like a female to me. I hope you atleast have a few girls in there. GOOD LUCK
Ok, this morning I found out that Nosey-Rosey is definately a rooster too. So that means that so far we have caught Pecan and Rosey. I still have yet to see Henrietta crow. I don't think it would be a dominance thing, since Henrietta is boss over all.

Ok, as I am typing this, Henrietta started to crow. All 3 of the big ones are outside having a crowing fest.

We are supposed to leave town for the weekend and now i'm trying to scramble to find homes for them. I am really sad since i've wanted chickens for years now and the Buff's were the ones I really wanted.
I do think though that I figured out the Penelope is a girl since Pecan tried to grab her a few times today. That's the second rooster to go after her. It must be cause she's so pretty.

Thanks for your help guys.
Yay, we found homes for all of them!! We were offered a few of their babies in the spring if we want, but i'm nervous to get more. The kids were outside this morning getting pictures so that they can remember them and are very upset.
I've lost all my Buff orpington's now.
We really have no attachment to the barred rocks, they barely have names. The children call them time and temperature so I suppose that is their names, but they're so stand-offish. At least we have our two Americauna's that are super sweet.
Good thing you solved the problem. That farmer should have known better to say he doesn't know than to pawn off his roosters on you. At 6 weeks you can tell for a good number of the birds. Wasn't sure if you figured out the second one but It looks a bit rooish too... but the picture is blurry. Hope you get better luck next year. I say get some chicks really young and then when they grow up, watching the male vs female development can be a learning experience. You'll learn early on what to look for.
I tell you what, I will never go to him again. He saw me coming from a mile away.:thun This being my first time I had no clue what to look for so I just took him for his word. I thought somthing was up when he gave me 5 of them things for $8.00. Turns out they were all roosters, that's why.
Hey Rchick, I looked up the sexlinks from ideal and that would be so nice if all chicks came like that. I think though that I decided to order a few sexed B.O's from ideal since I can just order a handful and they're so close. Thanks for the link!

Thanks so much!

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