It Shouldn't Be Long Now


7 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Lakewood, Colorado
The girls are 21 weeks old this week and I'm getting the coop ready for egg laying. I've got just a few more little things to do inside, things I didn't think about during the original construction.

Back in March we bought 4 Barbed Rocks, 4 Gold Lase Wyandottes, 2 Buff Wyandottes, and 2 Columbia Wyandottes, all one day old. I originally wanted 8 birds but I bought 12 thinking that a couple would die or be roosters but they all lived and they're all hens.

We let them free-range the yard when we're here, my wife and I work during the week so they stay in the coop/run until we get home. We can't leave them unattended or they'll help themselves to the garden. They love Eggplant, Swiss Chard, Peas, and Kale.

You have a beautiful flock. How lucky are you to get all hens!
The feed store I bought them from said they were pretty good at sexing chicks. I guess I should have believed them. 12 chickens are no trouble, just more chicken feed I have to buy.

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