Itching Chickens.

I don't know how long you've had chickens, so I don't mean this question to be insulting, but do you know what it looks like when chickens preen themselves? It could be that they're not actually itchy but just trying to groom.
No Honey, I am very knew at this. I have a medicine shelf full just in case. I read, ask questions, watch YouTube, anything to learn. Hubby said I am obsessed. Lol I didn't take offense at all
No Honey, I am very knew at this. I have a medicine shelf full just in case. I read, ask questions, watch YouTube, anything to learn. Hubby said I am obsessed. Lol I didn't take offense at all
I have no idea but they are dropping feathers and sits and chews and picks on themselves
I have no idea but they are dropping feathers and sits and chews and picks on themselves
Just to rule it out, why don't you search up a YouTube video on chickens preening, just so you can see what it looks like. Healthy chickens will do it daily, and will likely do it more if they're feeling a little more uncomfortable from molting.
I have looked and I keep that coop clean. I am in ot 20 x a day
Hm. okay.
I have no idea but they are dropping feathers and sits and chews and picks on themselves
yes, like isadora said, they could just be preening, thats normal chicken behavio, they clean for long periods, like 30 minutes and they do it a lot a day, they clean under wings, above wings, feet, etc

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