Itchy Buff Orpingtons going Bald.


May 8, 2020
I am looking for help with what to do for our two lovely Buffs. A month ago we noticed the feathers on their heads (just their heads, no other places anywhere on their bodies) missing. We saw them preening every morning with particular attention to their heads--they looked itchy. We suspected mites or lice. We completely cleaned out the whole coop--removing all bedding and replacing, cleaning walls etc. We then dried the coop and put new bedding down (roosting area and nesting boxes have wood flakes) the run has sand. We mixed in diatomaceous earth with all the bedding and placed along all the edges of the coop in an effort to get rid of lice and mites ( we even dusted the roosting rails).
We then sprayed our flock with mite/lice spray making sure to get it underneath the wings, around back of head, chest and bottom. We repeated that process 3 more times.
Last week, they still looked itchy and are pretty much bald on top, so we put Hen Healer on that area--it stayed on for about 3 days(they hated it). No better, No worse.
Now, they seem itchy again:(

We have 9 chickens and the 7 other chickens look perfect and don't seem to have any issues whatsoever.

Help please.


  • Chicken 2020 Head Lice?.jpg
    Chicken 2020 Head Lice?.jpg
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  • Chicken#2 2020 HEad Lice?.jpg
    Chicken#2 2020 HEad Lice?.jpg
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If ya got a rooster it may be Iove ...Like his favorite ....if its realy bugs maybe Diometries Earth... sorry about spelling

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