It's a dirty job................


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
but I was stuck with it today. I trimmed some dirty butts. Yuk. Then I did the Ivomec thing. However, I have 1 Salmon Faverolle that will not be caught. I caught her when they roosted. First she screams her head off. Then she pecks me and holds on to a piece of skin (OW!!!). Then she poops on me as I trim her butt feathers. Then she has a spaz attack and chicken poo goes splat on my cheek. Not to mention a few lice on my arms!
And, not to mention spending an hour or two palpating a vent with olive oil to help a hen pass an egg.
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That sounds bad... Maybe tomorrow will be better
Isn't it crazy the stuff we do? We had a hen that was egg bound. There I am on the bench pouring olive oil into her vent.
I couldn't look at vinigrette the same way for a long time.

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