Its all new to me

Yes and my dogs are never out without me. My buddies are so tiny, they are 8 weeks, I never let them free range without supervision (we are in the country so hawks abound). I tried to make their run everything proof!
Awesome! Did you make your cute sign?
Um ok I'm new to Chickens and posting so bear with me. I live on 15 acres in a small town in SC. I work fulltime and have 3 small rescue dogs. Not sure why I decided Chickens were a good idea. I couldn't decide what to get so thought I'd start with a small flock of bantams. I wanted 4-5, ordered 3, got 7. I gave 3 away to a friend who has a regular flock but shes given 1 back because it's so tiny. I have a gold placed cochin, a Dominique, a RI red and 2 old English crele game. Any advice is welcome.
WELCOME, glad to have you!!!!!
Healthy yes. Shes only been back with me since yesterday and my other girls are picking on her. So far she is holding her own. I'm trying to play mama hen and help her be accepted but I guess they'll figure out their own pecking order.
Just keep an eye on them all for a few days maybe, make sure they don’t attack her. Also, maybe put her on nutridrench, it can help them grow and become stronger

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