Its Cute! Knitting! Pictures Added!

Here is the Pattern,
Its the Same, But Use other Colors for the one you WANT!


Approximately 3” across x 3” high

1 Ball BERROCO COMFORT (100 grs), #9735 Delft Blue, and a small amount each #9743 Goldenrod (gold) and #9734 Liquorice (black)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 7 (4.50 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

Tapestry needle

Polyester stuffing

1 St marker

22 sts = 4”; 29 rows = 4” in St st



With dpn’s, using blue, cast on 9 sts. Divide sts evenly onto 3 needles (3 sts per needle). Join, being careful not to twists sts. Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.

Rnds 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13: Knit.

Rnd 2: * K1, M1k, k2, rep from * twice more – 12 sts.

Rnd 4: * K1, M1k, k3, rep from * twice more – 15 sts.

Rnd 6: * K1, M1k, k4, rep from * twice more – 18 sts. Continue to inc 3 sts in this manner every other rnd, having 1 more st between incs each time until there are 30 sts on needles (10 sts per needle). Work even in St st (k EVERY rnd) for 6 rnds.

Dec Rnd 1: * SSK, k1, k2 tog, k5, rep from * twice more – 24 sts. Knit 2 rnds.

Dec Rnd 2: * SSK, k1, k2 tog, k3, rep from * twice more – 18 sts. Knit 2 rnds.

Dec Rnd 3: * SSK, k1, k2 tog, k1, rep from * twice more – 12 sts. Knit 2 rnds.

Dec Rnd 4: * SSK, k2 tog, rep from * twice more – 6 sts. Break off yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needles. Stuff bird firmly. Pull up sts and secure. Thread cast-on tail into tapestry needle and thread through cast-on sts. Pull in tightly and secure.


Note: Sl the first st of every row purlwise.

With 2 dpn’s, using blue, cast on 8 sts.

Rows 1 and 2: Knit.

Row 3: K to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1 – 7 sts. Rep Row 3 four times more – 3 sts. Break off yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needle. Pull up tightly and secure.

Note: Sl the first st of every row knitwise on knit side and purlwise on purl side.

With 2 dpn’s, using gold, cast on 8 sts.

Row 1: Purl.

Row 2: K to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1 – 7 sts.

Row 3: P to last 3 sts, p2 tog, p1 – 6 sts. Rep Rows 2 and 3 once more – 4 sts. Break off yarn leaving a long end. Thread end into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needle. Pull up tightly and secure.

With tapestry needle, using blue, weave yarn in and out of bird 1/3 down from top. Pull in tightly and secure forming neck. Sew wings to each side along this line. Sew tail to back. With gold, sew beak to face. With tapestry needle and black, embroider eyes as in photo.
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