It's Friday, the 13th... and setting eggs

I had 2 babies when I woke this morning. Later this afternoon this little one literally rolled out of it's shell as I lifted mama's feathers. :)

There are 5 total out. She has 2 eggs left under her, curious to see if they will hatch too... :)

ohhhh I love them!!! I had to put my broody back on her nest, she was in the next box over again...It was in the 90's here today, hopefully she wasn't off them too long....she will be sitting on these a week tomorrow.... I hope i get to see some cuties peek out from under her in a cpl weeks! And hopefully the ones in my bator now will speed up and get busy pippin. :)
I've successfully hatched my first chick! :) It is a crele wyandotte bantam roo. (autosexed by color) He is one of 4 eggs I had that made it to lockdown to hatch, I had started with 8. The other 3 eggs haven't even pipped yet, but day 21 isn't until tomorrow (Saturday) at 10am. fingers crossed!

I have babies, 16 of them picture not too good but had to post them First hatch ever,14 more in bator hopefully will hatch tomorrow or sunday.
I, too, am on my first hatch. 6 have hatched and we still have 4 to go -- and those 4 have all pipped. So exciting! The eggs came from my own chickens.
So did mine timbucktwo What kind are your or do you know for sure they kinda look like some of mine. I have a white leghorn roo and dominiques hens .Somehow though I ended up with one that is chipmunk colored
So did mine timbucktwo What kind are your or do you know for sure they kinda look like some of mine. I have a white leghorn roo and dominiques hens .Somehow though I ended up with one that is chipmunk colored
The daddy rooster is a Buff Orpington and the hens were Black Australorps.
I woke up to one chick hatched and another one getting ready to. The second pipped sometime around 9pm last night. I woke my kids up around 6 am...they got to watch as the second one finished up 10 mins later.

I am concerned, though, because the second one has what I'm guessing is the "umbilical cord" still attached to it's shell. The poor thing is trying to move around while dragging the shell. I don't see any bleeding.

Nevermind, just got the report from oldest dd that it's free now!!
I have 4 chicks total now, at least 13 more pipped. My incubator humidity level seems really high, and they aren't drying off well. First two were still wet 12 hours late :/ I moved them under a heat lamp and they are finally looking fluffy! Hopefully I can fill my 8ft long by 3 ft wide brooder I just built!

I have 2 silkies, 1 barred rock and one cochin x barred rock hatched so far!
Woke up to six beautiful cute little...

white eggs :/

On the up side I think I hear light chirping now and then. :confused:

Congratulations on everyone's chicks!

Little Zod and Pizmo are doing wonderful!

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