It's Friday, the 13th... and setting eggs

Woke up to six beautiful cute little...
white eggs

On the up side I think I hear light chirping now and then.

Congratulations on everyone's chicks!
Little Zod and Pizmo are doing wonderful!

How does it work hatching in an egg carton?

What a cute picture of Zod and Pizmo.
How does it work hatching in an egg carton?

This is my first hatch so I don't really have anything to compare it to.

-Zipping took 15 min for #1 and 25 min for #2 (I have no idea what the average time is for zipping)
-They had no trouble getting out.
-no one played soccer with the other eggs
-they loved sitting in the empty holes

I went with this after reading thread after thread after thread. It seemed like everyone who had tried it loved it. I don't think I came across one post that said they didn't want to do it again.
But keep in mind I have nothing to compare it to :)
Number 3 just flew out of it's egg about 10 mins ago. I mean it started zipping and it didn't stop, then just poked it's head out and 2 pushes later, it was OUT!!! LOL

I have to take my girls to dance and we've got little pips everywhere.
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Came home from a really long day at work to a GOOD thing yahooooo:). 2 buff and 4 silver laced chicks hatched. My baters getting crowded. There are at least 6 more eggs pipped. Should I worry about the chicks moving the eggs all around? So happy after my 1st attempt and only got 1 chick out of 24. But I did start with fertized eggs this time. Awssome hatch rate on my shipped eggs so far. Happy Friday!!!!
Good hatching everyone

Another buff hatched yeaaah.
I think I got the bug, I may need intervention. Looking at some dark brahma hatchin eggs
dont worry to much about the chicks kicking the eggs all over... just don't take your chickie out of the bator until they are fluffy upped and dry...
so cool to hear everyone's good news...keep it coming... I've got some other eggs a week behind these guys that are in a different bator..just waiting patiently for them...and looking at all of the great pix... i'll send pics tomorrow of my lil guys/girls?
Well the tallys in sadley 4 eggs could not pip the babys were upside down 2 dead but fully developed 2 were able to breath after I opened the egg but so weak, one died and the other is hanging on but not much hope there.. 2 pipped but couldn't get out of the saell. Left them over night and today plucked away the shell. They were stuck. I got them loose and let them push the rest of the way out very weak but breathing and chirping

The great news 14 bouncing health peeps. So cute, got them in the brooder, with one of those nifty Brinsea Ecoglow brooders. They are racing around like they weren't in an egg yesterday. This has been an awesome learning experience. Eggs truly are a miracle.
Congrats everyone! Great pics! Love them :love

I am up to 14 out so far. I think we have something like 15 more pips. Next time I am going to use an egg carton. The chicks play soccer with the unhatched eggs lol.

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