It's getting cold!


Urban Desert Chicken Enthusiast
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
May 14, 2008
North Phoenix
My Coop
My Coop
I don't think it even got up to 78 here today. We went to an outdoor wedding reception tonight and I thought I'd freeze! It was in the high sixties but boy did it give me a chill. So happy I live in AZ, but ready to move further south for the winter.
You'd freaking die here. It's 45 degrees right now and dropping.
Here too, it was 25 degrees this morning. All the outside water bowls were frozen. My birds have been molting for over a month, haven't finished and are now shivering their bottoms off.

Collecting eggs the past few weeks has really been disheartening.
We are only supposed to get down to 53... but it's already 56 out there and really cold. Brrr... hope my hens can handle it.

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