It's Official! Gone Broody! 3rd hatch! Blacks and lavs! Photos!

Okay, you do surprise me! I looked at your webiste. You look about my age. Don't get offended, but I figured you were older. You know SO much and DO so much. I thought that probably came with experience.
But I see I have proven SO WRONG!

I should strive to be more like you. Love your website, I can't sew, the bags you made at the cutest ever!

BTW: I added your site to my favorites. I never thought to check it out before.

You found a picture?

Yeah, there are pics on there of a lady and children. I assume it is Miss Prissy
Tha lady and children - the lady is my oldest daughter, the children are my younger three. The man is my husband.
Sorry to drive so many people to your Website MP
I love your site and after you sent me there to check out your sourdough recipe, I've read bits and pieces often. It's informational w/out being full of controversial religious or political rants that so often seem to come hand in hand.

Sooooo back on topic..... I really can't wait to see those chickies..especially the red and lavendar orps!
I love people checking out my blog. That's why it's there and why I write there.

I do not write about politics, religion nor money. I was raised a southern lady and we don't speak of such things in public or mixed company. We also don't air dirty laundry either. Raising your dirty underware like a victory flag flapping in the wind is vulgar and off putting.

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