It's Official...

Oh and the sky blues 3 boys and 1 hen got her here she started laying right away when I thinned it down to 1on1. Lol her first 2 eggs are in see what happen in few days.
So do we get to see these new Sky Blues?

Your batch of keets are adorable. All keets are cute, but those little partially-pearled babies are the cutest (all colors). And yep, your light keet is a Buff, lol (and the blues are Coral Blues, lol). How many are you keeping? Any of the Chocolates?

I'm really surprised you have no fully-pearled keets showing up in your hatches... are you getting 100% hatch rate, or are some eggs quitting/not hatching? And did you separate everybody into pairs and/or trios? Which male is breeding the 2 Cinnamons and the Buff Dundotte?

I hatched another 5 keets from a small batch of Guinea eggs I set with more Turkey eggs a couple days ago (I hatched 8 more poults too), but I have not taken any pics yet (the keets were a Coral Blue, 2 Lavenders, a Lite Lavender and a Pearl Grey). I have a big batch of Turkey eggs (26) and Guinea eggs (36 I think) scheduled for lock-down on Sunday... this will be the first batch of eggs incubated from start to lock-down in my new Dickey incubator (but I am hatching/locking them down in the GQF cabinet hatcher). I'm anxious to see how things go, and if I'll need to tweak the temp on the DIckey at all. I have not candled the eggs in a couple weeks but I will tonight, and then again on Sunday as I move them over to the hatcher (it's kind of a pain in the rear to heave a big heavy tray of 90 eggs out to candle them, lol).
I let everybody free range and breed this year I've seen the cinnamon breed with the blonde and rp male the buff dundotte as well the other cinnamon has been breeding with the opaline. Going to keep the buff and maybe a couple chocolates to see what kind of color they turn out and a couple blondes and the 2 odd balls that are in between chocolate and blondes. I'm getting 95%-98% hatch rate only 1 or 2 don't hatch have had 1 keet in every hatch that hatches seem to take a few breaths then just passes away think that's weird.
All my boys are semi pearls and I knew the fully pearled hens had clutch mates that were semis as well so like you say the hidden genes can do a lot. Will get pics of the sky their not as neat as I thought they would be my corals are way more striking and bluer maybe because these areyoung or I don't know may only keep the hen and sell the boys. Or at least 2 of them.
Peeps is there special needs or pea eggs still bothering me they were dud's. I can usually hatch anything I try.
I'm still scratching my head that NO fully-pearled keets are showing up in your hatches, lol. The fully-pearled gene is dominant dominant dominant, only one copy is needed to make a fully -pearled keet, lol. I guess the 2nd partially-pearled gene is just beating the fully-pearled gene to the punch every time so far. Oh well, you aren't complaining, right?

I'm not doing anything special for my Pea eggs... they are in my Dickey, in the Turkey egg setting tray. Temp's at 99.6 degrees, RH is 35%ish. I'm not even sure that's high enough RH for them or not but we'll see. Seems to be working,
They look fine so far, but that does not mean they will make it all the way to hatch tho. I am hoping to set 3 more tonight. (I only have 1 Hen laying so far). So I dunno, I'm a newbie at raising and hatching Peas... and this will be my first year at hatching them (and hopefully a successful one).

Did you open the duds up and check to see if they were fertile... or did they start developing then quit? I forgot what kind of incubator you are using, and if it has an egg turner or if you are hand turning your eggs.
Have an old Oakes metal incubator and I hand turn them all. The peas I turned every hour that I was awake and home. The duds showed no fertility haven't had any quit after they have shown development! This is my first year with peas as well. Have 3 cameos under 2 cochin bantams to see what happens will put in the bator after 10- 12 days that is if they show life.
Finally got around to getting a pic of the most recent keets I hatched with my last batch of Turkey eggs.
Cute but nothing special that I absolutely have to keep this time, lol.

I just put a decent sized batch of Guinea eggs into lockdown yesterday. Shame on me tho... I am actually more excited about the poults I am hatching this season than I am about my keets, lol

You always have some of the most beautiful keets around Peeps.. Almost looks like you brushed them.. lol


P.S. I hatched another Lavender keet last night.. Makes 4 now..

PhilH, LOL, she does! (well, sometimes) with a soft toothbrush! If they don't dry well in the brooder, she'll take a very soft toothbrush and brush them out. Now, when she starts painting their toenails, I think we'll all need to do an intervention. LOL.

Seriously, Peeps does have beautiful keets, and her photography is excellent. Congrats on your Lavenders!

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