It's serendipity, we've been adopted for the 2nd time...

Her six to seven am treat is warm oatmeal and corn, hot day afternoon treat is, cold melon, corn, berry or veg. We're talking a tablespoon... To an eighth to a quarter of a cup of bar ale. I'm gettin' way "too precious" here. I'm a pretty good cook, and I don't like recipes that are, "too precious." Must relax...
3/15/2017 Maple laid her first egg! My heart goes twang... And her 2nd egg on the 17th, St. Paddy's day, bless her heart. They're blue! So definately some Ameraucana in there. So excited. I was cleaning up after her and she leaned against me, and took the mating position. I gave her lots of petting and a long neck rub. While I can pick her up, she never submitted positively to petting, so another first! Also right b4 laying first egg, she completely explored and scratched around her bigger ouside cage. She is about 1 year old. No broodiness, comes out of te egg box on her coop, as soon as she's done her business.

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