It's so hot, fried chicken anyone?


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
Troy, MO
My poor babies are out there panting and I feel so sorry for them. I've opened the windows all the way and I put a small battery operated fan out there to push the hot air out and help draw cooler air in. I put a large pan with ice water out there for them to walk and play in. An they have constant access to the outside if they want it. I have a tree that shades the run but not the coop.

I'm thinking of running an extention cord and putting in a larger box fan instead. I just feel so bad I want to buy them an AC unit, if I had the money, I'd do it too. It's about 100*F out there.

What are all of your suggestions for keeping your chickens cool?
MY dh just last week cut out ventilation vents in the top portion of my coop and he said you could feel the heat coming out of it. I then went and bought a 20" fan and hung it up in the corner. Man did it make a difference in the temps. inside the coop. It was 105* inside before and now its staying at 80*. 3 of my girls won't leave the coop now they hang out in front of the fan and stretch out! Its so funny to see them lounging on top of the shelf. I'll have to get a picture and post it.

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