It's Time For Lockdown!!

Good Lord!!
This Hova Bator is Frustrating, the slightest readjustment is either to little to much temp! It's like I'm having a hard time finding that perfect temp that I want it to stay at! Humidity is beautiful, perfect, but dang this temp is crazy!! Yes Katharina, I'm glad I bought the Genesis! Thank you!
How many eggs do you have in the incubator? I find that with mine Hovabator, if I have only a few eggs, I put a large bottle of water to serve as heat reserve and that helps a lot and have the incubator in a room where the temp is quite constant as it can't cope with external temp flux very well. I sometimes use a blanket over mine too when it is cold.
Well, I have 6. However there due on different dates because I pulled them a week a part. The one that is on lock down is in the hatchery, only 1 egg. There are 5 that are due the week of the 17th in the incubator, and then there are 8 due a week after that mom is sitting on now. So I have a total of 14 eggs due within 7-10 days of each other.
so the 5 eggs are in the hovabator? Then definitely use maybe a couple of large bottles of warm water to help maintain temperature and make sure the water temperature is as close to 100F when you put it in otherwise it will draw heat away.
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No, the 1 egg due is that is due in a couple days is in the Hova Bator, the 5 other eggs are in the Genesis on the egg turner. I'm putting the 1 egg in FT lock down tonight. I haven't seen it moving at all today, but then again I'm not sitting and watching it every second either. LOL!

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