I've been hit with and may have cured a bad case of Mareks Disease


9 Years
Apr 10, 2010
Raytown, MO (BY KCMO)
I got hit recently with Mareks Disease the nerve version. This is my first time ever having this type of difficulty raising chicks. I have lost well over 75 chicks and it could be closer to 100. I have three chick pens and only one was infected. I have had no other casualties yet (fingers crossed).

I am writing this to tell you that I have what I think might be the closest thing to a cure.

I was losing 6 to 15 chicks every day and I was removing the chicks and either burning them or sending them out with the weekly trash to keep the spread under control. I was sick cause I thought I'd end up having to cull the entire bunch. I tried several things including colloidal silver with NO LUCK. So, I did three things, I released my entire chick pen into the yard, covered the litter with new pine shavings and started putting three echinacea pills into the water every night. I have had 3 days with no more casualties. It appears I have one who is going through the paralysis tonight but I moved it from the others into a little pen to itself. I will probably lose him but one in 3 days is a HUGE improvement from 6 to 15 every day!

If you flock is suffering, try this method... I'm using 3 pills to about a gallon of water. EVERY morning and EVERY night. It is the only water they drink.

I am guessing the immune boost is helping. I would use a tincture to mix in with the water,and give pills directly to older chickens. Interesting if it does really work though!
I came up with the idea because as of now, science or natural remedies has shown nothing else works against viruses. Also because of the immune response. Very interesting... Will keep you updated as to whether or not my progress continues or if I hit another down turn (Praying that I won't!)

What's the echinacea ( cone flower) pills supposed to do ?

Echinacea has been proven to fight against viruses and can cut the flu and a common cold by 1/2 the time (best case). I think the previous poster was right, I think it boost the immune system.

I lost one last night and have a couple Dorkings with droopy wings. Still SO MUCH BETTER THAN BEFORE! Keeping my fingers crossed this works! I'm headed to tractor supply and going to buy some meds for Cocci. Just in case I might have a bit of that too. We have had a wet year and the droopy wings could be Cocci. Hard to tell... No blood yet though but the bowels are runny.

Truly, NEVER had anything like this before!


Editing to say that I think I had Mareks because most of the ones I've lost went paralyzed before dying. The Cocci meds are just a precautionary.
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Ya, I headed ok through the storm, but how about you????? I know Joplin is getting it again tonight and tomorrow. I feel so bad for those people. Im a CNA and I want to help, but it's so far away, id only be able to stay for a couple hours.
Mrs. BJ Hensley Jr. :

Ya, I headed ok through the storm, but how about you????? I know Joplin is getting it again tonight and tomorrow. I feel so bad for those people. Im a CNA and I want to help, but it's so far away, id only be able to stay for a couple hours.

It didn't get up here. I'm a little nervous about tomorrow though. I hear we are supposed to get some nastiness.​

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