I've fallen for chickens and I can't get up...!

from Alabama. Glad you joined us. Glad you found him a good home
Hi Terri,

Welcome to BYC. My DH thinks I am nuts for perusing this site so much, but I learn a lot and get lots of laughs. I am on my second chicken run, having had chickens several years ago. We have 5 hens and a rooster. I have to say that chickens are the most entertaining pets I have ever had. They never stop moving, have hilarious behaviors and personalities and are so sweet. My rooster is gorgeous and quite a comedian. The girls listen to his commands when he scolds them and run when he gives the danger call. We have horses, dogs and cats, but none are as fun to watch as the chickens. The horses are beautiful and exciting when they run, but that doesn't happen often, the cat naps all the time, the dogs are cute, but not as fun as those chickens. My brothers have snakes...zzzzzzzz.

Enjoy your chickens and be careful of those coyote! They love chickens!
Thank You all for the great welcomes! I already feel right at coop! (that IS what you say instead of 'home' in Chickenspeak isn't it?)

Terri (Momgoose)
Hi, you're pretty entertaining yourself
I've never 'done' chickens, but just 5 days with Chicken George and the rare socializing I get to do with my daughter-in-law's Serama's has me sold! Her little rooster thinks he's King, but all pretense vanishes and he turns into mush when she starts scratching his neck!

I'd like to have a few hens just for fresh eggs and the entertainment! I still have a lot to learn, and want to get hens that will tolerate the incredible heat we have out here.
Thanks for the welcome!!
See you around!


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