I've lost three birds in one day....

I have no idea what could've caused this? But Titan seems normal today? Thank goodness for that! Hopefully nobody else will have any symptoms :fl
Me neither. :confused: He does, completely back to normal. :)

My beloved Hamburg bantam cockerel is now experiencing strange symptoms, including a large yellow scab on his earlobe.....I brought him inside to keep an eye on his condition. I'm currently at work, but once home, I'll post pictures. This is simply heartbreaking.

Both Lancelot and Titan are doing well this morning (enjoying a little mashed potato, as you can see ;)). :) I felt Lancelot's crop last night, and it seemed full of hard objects....corn from the field, perhaps? Or grit? Looking back, this may be the culprit for his odd behavior.

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