Ivermectin use in cats?

Scaredy Cat is alive and well.  She is in beautiful condition, but once again she has become very cautious and alert.  My gut says there are coyotes around, and she is fully aware of that fact.  Once again we have passed her fifth spring here and there were no kittens - she must have been spayed.  For a spell she was sitting on the railing of our deck and talking to me, but she has stopped that behavior.

Could you upload a photo of her? Would love to see the cat, very nice story. I often hear of people trapping and killing ferals so your way is beneficial to you and Scaredy Cat.
Hello peeps!! I need advice and info. Seems my cats may have some skin mites. I bought ivermectin 1% inj solution and mineral oil. How do I dose them and how much. Can I do a 3/1 mix and put it between their shoulder blades? I'm worried because I've read the propolyne glycinol is toxic but I've also read that people use it. I have a 25 lb dog to do also.
I agree with this comment. I've been looking for a safe, effective, and economical treatment for parasites in cats and Ivermectin appears to be a good one. The concerns I see all appear to relate to how easy it is to overdose a cats, because feline dosages are measured in micrograms rather than milligrams. One milligram is 1000 times more than a microgram, so be careful if you are going to try this. The maximum dosage I'm seeing is 4 tenths of a single milligram. I feel pretty confident in these numbers, but feel free to correct me if I got the math wrong.
I agree with this comment.  I've been looking for a safe, effective, and economical treatment for parasites in cats and Ivermectin appears to be a good one.  The concerns I see all appear to relate to how easy it is to overdose a cats, because feline dosages are measured in micrograms rather than milligrams.  One milligram is 1000 times more than a microgram, so be careful if you are going to try this.  The maximum dosage I'm seeing is 4 tenths of a single milligram.  I feel pretty confident in these numbers, but feel free to correct me if I got the math wrong.

Sounds about right to me, and if you're buying it as small animal type you shouldn't have a problem. The issue is when people assume they can use horse strength and dilute it evenly to get a low enough dose. If you go small animal formulations it should be easy to get right. Big difference between working from a 1% solution for a horse and. 0.001% solution for small animal.
About two weeks ago when we returned from a movie a scuffle broke out on the deck. Couldn't see what was going on because it was dark, but sounded like a cat fight. Scaredy Cat was extremely nervous the next several evenings at feeding time. She then disappeared for about a week, but tonight when I fed the dogs she came running up asking to be fed. She actually came within 3 or 4 feet of me but was extremely nervous. When I left she stopped eating and came up on the deck. I went back by her feed dish, and she completed her meal - this is very unusual behavior for her - wanting me around as protection. 'Someone' may be trying to invade her territory - I will intervene if it becomes necessary to do so.
Apparently the power struggle has been resolved. There have been no more cat fights, and Scaredy Cat greets me every evening and demands that I feed her. She will now let me get within 3 or 4 feet if I don't walk directly towards her. She is still far from tame, but it is amazing how far she has come in trusting me.
Got an answer as to why Scaredy Cat has been on high alert lately. Just as we were leaving to go and celebrate grand daughter's birthday, one of the deer hunters who hunts my place came out of the woods with a large female coyote that he shot. She was a big one - I guess her weight to be in excess of 40 #. He is going to weigh her and tell me the exact weight. She may very well have removed the cat that was vying for Scaredy's territory.
I don't know how she knows, but she does. For the past month or so Scaredy Cat has been conspicuous by her absence - only appearing at feeding time. Usually she can be seen patrolling the property and sunning in the hedgerow. The coyote was killed yesterday, and today Scaredy is out patrolling 'her' property. Tonight at feeding time she approached so close to me that I could have touched her. She was talking up a storm and watching me closely but without any appearance of panic. 6 years, and finally she is beginning to trust me.

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