Ivermectin use in cats?

Scaredy is spending her summer lounging in shady spots on the deck. She has not gone 'walkabout' all summer. I think she is starting to feel her age; although, she is in apparent good health.

This summer has been so miserably hot for everyone, I don't blame her for lounging. Glad she's in good health!
I could see her tracks in the snow, but she did not come to greet me. Just now she was on the deck so I took some old cold cuts out to her. I put them in the food bowl, and it happened. She arched her back and rubbed against my hand.
I stood still, she repeated and I very gingerly petted her - she started purring. I am stoked.

Fans of Scaredy, posting of pictures is thanks to Sumi
. We e mailed her the pictures, and she posted them for me. Isn't she beautiful ? The look on my face tells the whole story. This has been 7 years in the making, and she is no longer 'the feral cat named Scaredy' she is my pet, and she trusts me - at least sort of.

Because of her reaction once we made contact, I am developing a whole new hypothesis as to her story. She was winding between my legs, talking and purring up a storm. She must be spayed because she has never had kittens. Her ear is not clipped so maybe she is not a trap/neuter/release. Perhaps she was a pet who got lost, terrified and ended up here ?

I felt that this was going to happen but wasn't quite sure.
Been rereading this thread about my journey with Scaredy Cat. She has had a great summer and is in really good condition. The entire summer has been spent lounging on the back deck. She has become so affectionate and desiring to be touched that I have to walk carefully around her to make sure that I don't step on her. She has now started asking for and receiving breakfast. Guess you can teach an old cat new tricks or did she teach me?
Been rereading this thread about my journey with Scaredy Cat. She has had a great summer and is in really good condition. The entire summer has been spent lounging on the back deck. She has become so affectionate and desiring to be touched that I have to walk carefully around her to make sure that I don't step on her. She has now started asking for and receiving breakfast. Guess you can teach an old cat new tricks or did she teach me?

I've really enjoyed following Scaredy's story Sour, so glad she found a forever home with you and the Princess. ❤️

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