Ivermectin use in cats?

Scaredy has a fluffy blanket on top of the heating pad in her house. Now that it is getting colder, she pushes the blanket to block the entrance hole and keep the heat in her sleeping quarters. Her body may be failing, but she's still mentally sharp. I can relate to that.
Scaredy has a fluffy blanket on top of the heating pad in her house. Now that it is getting colder, she pushes the blanket to block the entrance hole and keep the heat in her sleeping quarters. Her body may be failing, but she's still mentally sharp. I can relate to that.

Scaredy is one smart cookie ❤️
Wow what an amazing story. I read this post in its entirety. I was dreading the end think scaredy would have passed on. Amazing relationship built between you two, it is really in inspiration. With so much wrong with the world today this was a real breath of fresh air and reminder there is still a lot of beauty here. Thank you for all your updates and love & care for scaredy sour. It truly is a remarkable story. Bless you
@Lukes954 12 years + is old for a 'feral' cat. She has always been hyper alert and aware of trouble in the area. She hasn't gone walkabout in several years. This spring she started showing some signs of arthritis, but so far not too bad. I am concerned about what I can do if she becomes injured or ill. Everything as far as contact is on her terms, and I am certain that she would bite if picked up or restrained. In an area where rabies is endemic, I can't allow that to happen. I'll deal with it if and when it happens.
Wow what an amazing story. I read this post in its entirety. I was dreading the end think scaredy would have passed on. Amazing relationship built between you two, it is really in inspiration. With so much wrong with the world today this was a real breath of fresh air and reminder there is still a lot of beauty here. Thank you for all your updates and love & care for scaredy sour. It truly is a remarkable story. Bless you
BTW, @Lukes954, welcome to BYC!! :frow 🐈🐱
Wow what an amazing story. I read this post in its entirety. I was dreading the end think scaredy would have passed on. Amazing relationship built between you two, it is really in inspiration. With so much wrong with the world today this was a real breath of fresh air and reminder there is still a lot of beauty here. Thank you for all your updates and love & care for scaredy sour. It truly is a remarkable story. Bless you
BTW, @Lukes954, welcome to BYC!! :frow 🐈🐱
Welcome x2.
Thank you for all the warm welcomes. I came on here searching for ivermectin results because I think one of the feral cats in my neighborhood has mange but I became absolutely entranced with sours story. I'm much like you in that I wasn't much of a cat person until I started feeding amd befriending local strays on my streets.. some are more trusting than other and each have their own personal story. They are such interesting creatures and there is a huge misconception about them. Few things are more rewarding than gaining the trust of a feral animal, especially a cat.

And sour that's all you can do but take it a day at a time. I often dread about something bad happening to the feral on my street but the bottom line is you have provided so much comfort and love to this cat who without you would have lived a very tough life. And the fact she rewards you with her trust and affection was a very beautiful thing to read. Thank you very much for your deciation and updates. It truly did brighten my day. I will always remember this story.
I've always fed Scaredy dog food supplemented with meat scraps from the table, and she's done well. A month or so ago I wasn't satisfied with her coat and physical appearance so I bought some cat food. The higher protein level has made a difference, and she has gained weight and improved condition. She is really enjoying her heated house and doesn't spend much time outside unless it's a sunny day.

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