JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

I'm in!

I'm setting 12 Wheaten Ameraucanas tonight. Well, I'll be a couple of days later. BUT, if I follow this thread, hopefully they'll be lots of pictures to get me through the last part of the wait.
I definitely wouldn't have thrown the eggs away.. There are plenty of people who have high temps (including myself) of up to 110 for a short while and still had good hatches.. They may have just hatched a day early... If that happens next time, wait until at least day 6 or so and candle.. You may be surprised!

I put my eggs in yesterday 32 of them in my Brinsea Eco. I wanted to set them yesterday because it was my birthday and my first hatching attempt sounded like a great birthday present to me!
my temperatures are stable at 99-100 degrees and my humidity is on point - both during incubation and then lockdown.. eggs start cheeping on day 21..but I don't see my first chick until day 22..Its all good though..

I have 14 Buff Orpington eggs in my bator right now. They should hatch out on the 28th. I am so excited! We've had Buffs in the past, and we really like their temperaments.

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